The MFBF Transparent Matrix scrambled set uses the same images and tiles that originally come with the MFBF Game, but in a scrambled layout to reduce memorization from the patient. These cards offer 7 levels of exercises based on the age and capability of the patient.
The MFBF Matching Game has exercises that cover three different age ranges:
- Symbols for children 3-5 years old
- Numbers for children 5 years and up
- Words for 2nd Grade, 4th Grade and over 6 th Grade (Adult)
All words verified as appropriate for the grade level listed with according to the National Education Standard, Flesch-Kincaid, for both English and Spanish.
These cards were created by Dr. Marc B. Taub at Southern College of Optometry and Richmond Products acknowledges his inspiration and extensive guidance.
What is included:
7 sets of clear plastic matching sheets.