
Clock 3D Variable Random Dot Tranaglyph

Bernell USA

SKU : BC12+

The new Random Dot 3D Clock Variable Tranaglyph is an excellent new training device for both the mid-level and final stages of base-in and base-out therapy. Unlike the typical 3D training images, random dot images can not be seen unless the highest level of fusion is achieved.

The new Random Dot 3D Clock Variable Tranaglyph is an excellent new training device for both the mid-level and final stages of base-in and base-out therapy. Unlike the typical 3D training images, random dot images can not be seen unless the highest level of fusion is achieved. The images simply look like a page full of dots, until the two eyes and brain combine these two sets of unique images into a single three dimensional image. This makes it an excellent therapy technique for those patients who are simply guessing or malingering with traditional cards sets.

The level of fusion needed is the most difficult to obtain and requires the highest level of visual processing, which makes it an excellent finalization exercise. For patients who have had limited binocular vision, such as the recently corrected amblyopic or strabismic patient, this task may prove to be too difficult. For those patients, you may need to start with a 500 series tranaglyph, then progress to the 600 series and finalize with the Random dot series.

Kit Includes: Tranaglyph, horizontal slide holder and card (BC550) and red/green glasses.

Size: 10.5″ x 5.5″
Material: Red/Green slides on transparent vinyl
Usage: Can be used with Dual Polachrome Trainer or other slide holders.

SKU: BC12+ Categories: ,

Bernell USA