Marsden Ball
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Vision Therapy, Hand- Eye Coordination, Marsden Ball
Vector Ball Cognitive Vision Training Tool
The Better You See, Recognize, and Exploit Information, The More Successful You Are.
Vector Ball is the most dynamic and versatile Cognitive Vision Training (CVT) device available. CVT are drills that exercise the eyes and brain to improve an athlete’s Speed of Reaction.
The Vector Ball emits a short burst of light, randomly changing the color of the ball (Red, Green, or Blue) each time it is struck, bounced, caught, etc. This provides athletes with unpredictable information that enables, live action, CVT drills.
The result is an improved ability to rapidly transfer visual information into deliberate athletic action (Speed of Reaction).
Vision Therapy, Hand- Eye Coordination, Marsden Ball
Soft White Red Green Marsden Ball with Childrens Figures
Vision Therapy, Hand- Eye Coordination, Marsden BallSoft White Red Green Marsden Ball with Childrens Figures
Soft Training Ball with Children’s Figures
Soft white ball with children’s figures on the surface. 89mm. (3.50″) diameter; 100 gr. weight; made of polyurethane foam material.
The ball comes attached to a 17ft, white string. This is a great addition to any therapy room!
Works with Bernell red/green glasses. (Not Included)
Includes adhesive wall hook.
Vision Therapy, Hand- Eye Coordination, Marsden Ball
Soft White Red Green Marsden Ball
Soft Training Ball
Soft white ball with all letters of the alphabet and numbers 1 through 9 on the surface. 89mm. (3.50″) diameter; 100 gr. weight; made of polyurethane foam material.
The ball comes attached to a 17ft, white string. This is a great addition to any therapy room!
Works with Bernell red/green glasses. (Not Included)
Includes adhesive wall hook.
Hand- Eye Coordination, Marsden Ball, Vision Therapy
Marsden Ball Prime Performance
A basic vision therapy tool no VT practice should be without. Better weight = Better swing!
Now available in 5 different versions: Hard White, Soft White, Soft Yellow, Prime Performance, and Yellow Prime Performance.
- (108100) The Prime Performance Marsden Ball is 3.125″ with a great weight for a balanced swing.
SKU: 108100 -