Stereo Acuity Test
Showing 1–24 of 72 results
Stereo Acuity Test, Vectographs/Vectograph and Stereopsis
Racetrack Polarized Variable Vectograph
Racetrack Polarized Variable Vectograph offers a three-dimensional picture used to strengthen binocular system and providing base-in and/or base-out vision training. Different objects in the vectograph are at varying Depth Levels (Degrees of Arc) and Image Orientation.
SKU: VA1040 -
Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo tests
Handheld Bagolini Striated Lens Set with Penlight
Finely striated, clear lenses used for evaluating retinal correspondence in patients with eye deviations. Consists of 2 circular lenses mounted in a flipper. Used in the analysis of anomalous correspondence, suppression etc.
Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo tests
Lang Stereopad
The Lang Stereopad, similarly to the Lang Stereotests I and Lang Stereotest II-R, combines Random Dots with a lenticular surface but offers more sophisticated assessments of stereopsis. Magnetic test cards are shown individually or in pairs on a handy red double-sided test panel. The test does not require specific glasses and is highly sensitive for global stereopsis. It has no monocular clues and is ideal for preferential-looking testing of infants and preverbal children.
Stereo Acuity Test, Vectograms
Variable Vectogram Basic Fusion Vectogram
Variable Vectograms
Basic Fusion Vectogram
4″ x 5-1/2″
Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabilize fusion and steropsis, eliminate suppression and develop simultaneous vision.SKU: SOV12 -
Stereo Acuity Test, Vectograms
Variable Vectogram Chicago Skyline Vectogram
Variable Vectograms
Chicago Skyline Vectogram
8-1/4″ x 5-1/2″
Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabilize fusion and stereopsis, eliminate suppression, and develop simultaneous vision.SKU: SOV7 -
Stereo Acuity Test, Vectograms
Variable Vectogram Spirangle Vectogram
Variable Vectogram
Spirangle Vectogram8-1/4″ x 5-1/2″
Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabilize fusion and steropsis, eliminate supression and develop simultaneous vision.
Used in monocular and binocular, pursuit and saccadic training, vectograms help correct and prevent anomalies involving projection and hand eye coordination.
Ideal for use with Bernell’s Dual Polachrome™ Trainer
Polarized Goggles Included
Stereo Acuity Test, Vectograms
Fixed Vectogram Figure 8
Fixed Vectogram
Figure 8 Vectorgram7-1/2″ x 5-1/2″ Non-Variable
Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabilize fusion and steropsis, eliminates suppression and develop simultaneous vision.
Used in monocular, binocular pursuit and saccadic training, vectograms help correct and prevent anomalies involving projection and hand eye coordination.
Ideal for use with Bernell’s Dual Polachrome™ Trainer
Polarized Goggles and slide holder Included
Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo tests
Intended use and main features
Lang-Stereotests are orthoptic products for binocular diagnostics and screening of disorders of stereoscopic vision in adults and children, for medical professionals. The Lang-Stereotest is used for rapid screening of stereopsis vision in all age groups from 6 months of age. Since loss of stereopsis is considered a key symptom of amblyopia (lazy eye), failure to recognise random dot stereograms may indicate a previously undetected, treatable disorder of binocularity (e.g., microstrabismus, anisometropia). Lang-Stereotest have proven to be highly specific and highly sensitive for stereo vision. Thanks to the unique combination of random dots and a lenticular lens, no special glasses are needed, and the eye movements of the subject may be easily observed.The test exists in the versions Lang-Stereotest I and II, and the revised versions I-R and II-R.
Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo tests
Intended use and main features
Lang-Stereotests are orthoptic products for binocular diagnostics and screening of disorders of stereoscopic vision in adults and children, for medical professionals. The Lang-Stereotest is used for rapid screening of stereopsis vision in all age groups from 6 months of age. Since loss of stereopsis is considered a key symptom of amblyopia (lazy eye), failure to recognise random dot stereograms may indicate a previously undetected, treatable disorder of binocularity (e.g., microstrabismus, anisometropia). Lang-Stereotests have proven to be highly specific and highly sensitive for stereo vision. Thanks to the unique combination of random dots and a lenticular lens, no special glasses are needed, and the eye movements of the subject may be easily observed.The test exists in the versions Lang-Stereotest I and II, and the revised versions I-R and II-R.
Stereo Acuity Test, Disparity Plates
The Saladin Near Point Balance Card
Saladin Near Point Balance Card (Saladin Card)
The card can be used with technician in a workup lane or by the vision practitioner to quickly and easily assess the near point function of patients ages five years and older. It enables the measurement of nearpoint horizontal and vertical heterophoric angles, horizontal and vetical neutralization of fixation disparity, and the horizontal and vertical fixation disparity angles leading to the development of forced vergence fixation disparity curves. It aids in the measurement of the lag of accommodation, accommadative and vergence facility, and cyclophoria. It also includes a near point Bailey-Lovie visual acuity chart. It provides the physical platform for a general assessment/screening battery for near point function.
Stereo Acuity Test, Vectograms
Variable Vectogram (Clown Vectogram)
Variable Vectogram Clown Vectogram
- 8-1/4″ x 5-1/2″
- Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabilize fusion and steropsis, eliminate suppression and develop simultaneous vision.
- Used in monocular, binocular pursuit and saccadic training, vectograms help correct and prevent anomalies involving projection and hand-eye coordination.
- Ideal for use with Bernell’s Dual Polachrome™ Trainer
- Polarized goggles included
Stereo Acuity Test, Disparity Plates
Wesson Fixation Disparity Card
Improved Wesson Fixation Card™ material and now has enhanced targets. Printed on rigid vinyl.
Measurements include horizontal and vertical fixation disparity, associated phoria, and forced vergence fixation disparity curves used for fixation typing and the effects of visual therapy. In addition, accommodative lag may be measured with the high frequency and very low frequency targets.
Pediatric Opthalmology, Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo Acuity Testing, Stereo tests
Bernell Stereo Test Book Near and Far Tests
Pediatric Opthalmology, Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo Acuity Testing, Stereo testsBernell Stereo Test Book Near and Far Tests
Test books now have improved features, including tabbed title test pages, better test plate flow and thicker more durable pages.
This stereo tranaglyph™ test booklet was designed to offer a simple, yet effective option for screening stereoscopic vision deficits in patients of all ages. This economical screening solution helps to detect binocular vision issues such as poor stereopsis, amblyopia, suppression and strabismus. The test booklet combines three standard variations of stereo screening books into one convenient package! This includes: near stereo acuity for both gross stereopsis and fine depth perception, distance stereo acuity for gross stereopsis, and random dot gross stereopsis and fine depth perception. As an added bonus, the cover is comprised of stereo images of shapes and figures positioned at various distances, which can be used as a quick binocular screening tool.
SKU: BC1025 -
Vectograms, Stereo Acuity Test
Variable Vectogram Mother Goose Vectogram
Variable Vectogram
Mother Goose Vectogram
8-1/4″ x 5-1/2″
Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabalize fusion and steropsis., eliminate suppression and develop simultaneous vision.
SKU: SOV10 -
Vectograms, Stereo Acuity Test
Fixed Vectogram Acuity Suppression
Fixed Vectogram
Acuity Suppression Vectogram4″ x 5-1/2″ Non-Variable
Polarized vectograms ensure testing and training at actual distances. Vectograms stabilize fusion and stereopsis, eliminate suppression and develop simultaneous vision.
Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo tests
Frisby Near Stereotest 3 plates
First launched in 1983, it is used in orthoptic and ophthalmic clinics and by optometrists world-wide.
- Tests for stereopsis using natural vision, with no special glasses. It has three transparent plates, which are presented to the patient one at a time against the clear background provided by the fold-down flap of the storage box.
- Tests for stereopsis, even if reduced vision or amblyopia is present because of the coarse texture elements included in the pattern.
SKU: FDNear -
Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo tests
The Lang-Stereotest® II is an easy-to-use examination instrument designed for screening, i.e. early detection of spatial vision problems in children.
The Lang-Stereotest® II is a supplement to the proven Lang-Stereotest® I (Star, Cat, Car) and is also used to test binocular vision according to the same principle. In addition to three figures that are only visible binocularly (crescent moon, car and elephant), there is also a contoured star that can be seen with one eye. The individual figures appear to be set off from the background at different distances.
Many users had requested another stereoscopic examination card as an alternative to the Lang stereo test® I. In version II, the random dots are smaller and less dense. The disparities are chosen a little finer, namely 200 arc seconds for the moon, 400″ for the car and 600″ for the elephant at an observation distance of 40 cm. The star, which is also visible monocularly and has a disparity of 200″, is intended to improve diagnostics in young children by increasing attention and reaction. In addition, subjects without binocular vision remain less disappointed.
Note: the LANG-STEREOTEST does not measure visual acuity and does not substitute for an ophthalmologic examination. A negative test result indicates only a lack of stereoscopic vision at the time of examination.
Stereo Acuity Test, Stereo tests
The Lang-Stereotest is an easy-to-use examination instrument designed for screening, i.e. early detection, of spatial vision problems in children. The test is designed for rapid screening of stereo vision in all age groups from 6 months of age and includes a star, a cat and an ordinary car that appear to be raised from the background at different distances.
The Lang-Stereotest I is an orthoptic product for binocular diagnostics and screening of stereo vision disorders, for medical professionals. Since loss of stereopsis is considered a key symptom of amblyopia (weak eye), failure to detect random dot stereograms may indicate a previously undetected, treatable disorder of binocularity (e.g. microstrabismus, anisometropia).
The Lang -Sereotest has been shown to be highly specific and highly sensitive to stereo vision. Thanks to a unique combination of random dots and lenticular, special glasses are unnecessary, and gaze behaviour remains observable.
Important: The Lang-Stereotest neither measures visual acuity nor replaces an ophthalmological examination. A negative test result, i.e. failure to recognize the figures, merely indicates impaired stereo vision at the time of the examination.